Månadens e-resurs: BREPOLIS International Medieval Bibliography (IMB)
Publicerad den 15 januari 2018
International Medieval Bibliography är en bibliografisk databas som täcker Europa, Nordafrika och Mellanöstern under åren 300-1500. Det är en bra resurs för dig som håller på med språk, litteratur, religion, historia, arkeologi eller konst under medeltiden.
Såhär beskrivs databasen i LUBsearch, där du hittar den under fliken <link http: emedia.lub.lu.se db external-link-new-window>Databases A-Z:
The <link http: emedia.lub.lu.se db info external-link-new-window imb>BREPOLIS International Medieval Bibliography is the leading bibliography of the European Middle Ages (c. 400-1500). The IMB comprises 300,000 records of articles, review articles, scholarly notes and similar literature all of which are fully classified by date, subject and location, and provide full bibliographical records. IMB covers 4,500 publications in over 30 languages. The discipline areas include: Classics, English Language and Literature, History and Archaeology, Theology and Philosophy, Medieval European Languages and Literatures, Arabic and Islamic Studies, History of Education, Art History, Music, Theatre and Performance Arts, Rhetoric and Communication Studies.