<link http: plato.stanford.edu index.html encyclopedia of>Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (SEP) är en oumbärlig filosofisk online-encyklopedi som drivs av Stanford University. Varje uppslagsord är skrivet av en expert på området. Bland dessa experter återfinns professorer från över 65 akademiska institutioner runtom i världen. Skribenterna ger Stanford University tillåtelse att publicera artiklarna men behåller upphovsrätten för texten. Artiklarna har givetvis genomgått peer review. Du hittar encyklopedin <link http: plato.stanford.edu index.html encyclopedia of>här.
Så här beskrivs resursen avredaktörerna själva:
From its inception, the SEP was designed so that each entry is maintained and kept up-to-date by an expert or group of experts in the field. All entries and substantive updates are refereed by the members of a distinguished Editorial Board before they are made public. Consequently, our dynamic reference work maintains academic standards while evolving and adapting in response to new research. You can cite fixed editions that are created on a quarterly basis and stored in our Archives (every entry contains a link to its complete archival history, identifying the fixed edition the reader should cite). The Table of Contents lists entries that are published or assigned. The Projected Table of Contents also lists entries which are currently unassigned but nevertheless projected.
Månadens e-resurs: Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
Publicerad den 15 oktober 2016

För studenter och forskare inom filosofi är Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (SEP) en oumbärlig resurs.