Nobelprisvinnare bojkottar tyranniska tidskrifter

Publicerad den 12 december 2013

Randy Schekman, som vann årets nobelpris i fysiologi eller medicin meddelar att hans labb inte längre kommer att skicka artiklar till Nature, Cell and Science.

I The Guardian kan 9 dec man läsa: "Nobel winner declares boycott of top science journals Leading academic journals are distorting the scientific process and represent a "tyranny" that must be broken, according to a Nobel prize winner who has declared a boycott on the publications. Randy Schekman, a US biologist who won the <link http: science oct nobel-prize-in-physiology-or-medicine-2013-live-blog>Nobel prize in physiology or medicine this year and receives his prize in Stockholm on Tuesday, said his lab would no longer send research papers to the top-tier journals, Nature, Cell and Science." <link http: science dec nobel-winner-boycott-science-journals>Länk till artikeln