Vi har köpt tillgång till 2014 och 2015 års e-böcker i dessa samlingar från Palgrave Connect:
International Relations & Development Collection innehåller titlar som "The Debt Crisis and European Democratic Legitimacy", "Being a Muslim in the World" och "Fukushima : Impacts and Implications".
I Political Science Collection finns t.ex. dessa: "Communicating Europe in Times of Crisis : External Perceptions of the European Union", "The Uses and Misuses of Human Rights : A Critical Approach to Advocacy" och "The Intellectual and the People in Egyptian Literature and Culture: Amāra and the 2011 Revolution".
Social Sciences Collection innehåller t.ex.: "Transformations of Religion and the Public Sphere : Postsecular Publics", "Offending Women in Contemporary China : Gender and Pathways into Crime" och "Making Citizens : Public Rituals and Personal Journeys to Citizenship".
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Nya e-bokssamlingar!
Publicerad den 2 december 2014
International Relations & Development, Political Science och Social Sciences.