Nu är två nya elektroniska samlingar av Archives Unbound tillgängliga. De hittas i <link http: db>Databases A-Z i LUBsearch samt via länkarna nedan.
<link http: from liberation to communist>Czechoslovakia from Liberation to Communist State, 1945-63
This collection documents the creation of the Third Republic, which was established after World War II, and differed markedly from the First Republic of 1918. The Third Republic was created as a result of a compromise between pre-war Czechoslovak Republic leaders and the Czech Communist Party (KSC). The Republic’s hopes were subverted by the KSC, which at the time had considerable popular support and the backing of the Soviet Union.
<link http: germany from stalinization to the new economic>East Germany from Stalinization to the New Economic Policy, 1950-1963.
Originally microfilmed as Records of the U.S. Department of State Relating to the Internal Affairs of East Germany, this digital collection provides an in-depth look into the creation of the East German state, living conditions, and its people. Documents included in this collection are predominantly instructions to and despatches from U.S. diplomatic, and consular personnel regarding political, military, economic, social, industrial, and other internal conditions and events in East Germany.
Sedan tidigare har HT-biblioteken införskaffat samlingen <link http: _blank>Testaments to the Holocaust som också är del av Archives Unbound.
Nya e-resurser: Östtysklands och Tjeckoslovakiens historia
Publicerad den 12 januari 2017
HT-biblioteken har köpt in två samlingar av Archives Unbound: Czechoslovakia from Liberation to Communist State, 1945-63 och East Germany from Stalinization to the New Economic Policy, 1950-1963.