Interlibrary Loans

Active students and staff at the Joint Faculties of Humanities and Theology can request interlibrary loans of material not found at any of the libraries at Lund University. Students and staff at other faculties are requested to turn to their own faculty/departmental library: All Faculty / Department Libraries

  • If you are requesting a book that cannot be found at any of the libraries at Lund University, printed och digitally, you can make an interlibrary loan. Due to publishers rights we can unfortunately not make interlibrary loans of e-books, but we always try to find a print version.
  • Only interlibrary loans of material that is intended for study or research purposes at our faculties can be made through the Libraries of the Joint Faculties of Humanities and Theology. This means that if you are a student the loan has to be connected with the course you are currently registered on at the HT Faculties. If you want to request interlibrary loans of material for other purposes we advise you to contact your closest public library.
  • Journals can not be borrowed, but article copies can be ordered at a charge.

  • Book loans from within the Nordic countries - free of charge
  • Book loans from outside the Nordic countries - 150 SEK/book
  • Photocopies of articles - 80 SEK/copy regardless of the source
  • Photocopies of more extensive works such as theses are usually more expensive. In such cases, ask for details of fees. Payment is made at the information desk.
  • Costs for interlibrary loans made by HT researchers and teachers are paid by the HT faculties.

N.B.: Costs may be added if applied by the lending library.

Start with searching in our local systems before you make an interlibrary loan

If the book or article you are looking for is located at any of the libraries at Lund University, it cannot be requested as an interlibrary loan – even if the book is currently checked out or if it is for reference use only. Start with searching in the library catalogue LUBcat, or if you are looking for an article, LUBsearch. Books printed before 1957, are sometimes not listed in LUBcat, or LIBRIS, but can be found in the University Library's digitized card catalogue Katalog -1957. If the book or the journal is not listed in LUBcat, LUBsearch, or Katalog -1957, you can request it as an interlibrary loan in one of the two ways described below.

A book, found in LIBRIS, may be requested directly from the catalogue record. Before you make your first request, you must create an account in LIBRIS (when asked to fill in your Library card number, type the last 10 digits of you LU card number):

Create an account - Asia Library
Create an account - LUX Library
Create an account - SOL Library

After having created an account: Log in. Go on to LIBRIS' search page by choosing Start or Extended search. When you have found a book in LIBRIS that you want to borrow, make a request:

  • Click on the blue text Interlibrary loan/request
  • Send the request
  • A confirmation message will be sent to the e-mail address registered
  • Log out in top right corner

NOTE! Journal articles should be requested with the Order forms for interlibrary loans to the Joint Faculties of Humanities and Theology.

Note that books we need to order outside the EU cannot be delivered as fast as orders from inside the EU due to custom processes. If possible we purchase those books instead.

Renew interlibrary loans

Do you need to renew your interlibrary loans? Fill in this form. You cannot renew your interlibrary loans at the library desk.

The Swedish Media Database, SMDB, is a search service for the audiovisual collections at the National Library of Sweden (KB). The database contains information about programmes that have aired on TV or radio, about videos, movies presented in theaters, CDs, and multimedia. The SMDB covers most Swedish broadcasts and publications since 1979, but contains older material as well.

Audiovisual recordings needed for research projects, may be requested directly from the SMDB. The research project must first be approved by the National Library of Sweden.


For interlibrary loans to SOL Library

For interlibrary loans to LUX Library

For interlibrary loans to Asia Library

Lund University Libraries

About interlibrary loans at Lund University


Find books and request interlibrary loans in LIBRIS.

Order form

for books not found in LIBRIS and for article copies.

Renew Interlibrary Loan

If you wish to renew your interlibrary loans, please use our form!

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