Programme Autumn 2020
Due to COVID-19 all our open workshops will be given digitally i Zoom. Welcome to our Zoom room during the dates below!
Zoom: How to log in
First log in to Zoom (use with your Student Account and then klick on our link. More information about how to use Zoom:
Drop-in Workshop on Copyright
What does the Swedish Copyright Act say about the re-use of art works? Can an image be cited and is a diagram considered an image? How do I make sure that my citation is not considered copyright infringement? Do you need to re-use others' images, texts or other types of material in your assignment? Come to our open drop-in workshop and get support in how to solve copyright related matters.
Friday 9 October, 10:00–12:00, Zoom:

Just google it? - Google in the information searching process
We all know Google, the search engine that has become synonymous with searching. But how can Google serve as a tool for you to go further with your studies? What kind of pitfalls are there and how are you supposed to interpret the list of results? These are some of the questions we are trying to answer during 45 minutes. Advance registration is not necessary. Welcome!
Thursday, 29th of October, 13:15–14:00, Zoom:

How to Cite Right (drop-in)
Are you working on a term paper, an essay or other written assignment and are wondering how to cite that chapter or that YouTube video? Or, are you unsure about how to organise your reference list? Are you asking yourself what plagiarism is and how you can avoid plagiarising by mistake? Come and ask a librarian during our open reference labs!
Tuesday, 24th of November 2020, 10:00–12:00
Thursday, 3rd of December 2020, 13:00–15:00
Both in Zoom:

Publish your essay in LUP Student Papers (drop-in)
Have you finished your essay and would like to make it openly available for others to read? Do you need help publishing it in LUP Student Papers? Come and ask a librarian during our open LUP Student Paper labs!
Tuesday, 12th of January 2021, 10:00–12:00
Wednesday, 13th of January 2021, 13:00–15:00
Both in Zoom: