Programme Spring 2025
Come by computer room SOL:B210 on the second floor inside the SOL Library any Thursday 15:00–16:00 and ask any questions you might have concerning your academic writing process. If you need help with LUP Student Papers there are two dates in May where you can come by our Zoom room and get help. Welcome!
Come by with your text! (drop-in)
Are you writing a thesis or an essay or something else? Are you unsure of how to quote that chapter or refer to that YouTube video, or what a Works Cited list is supposed to look like? Do you want some tips on how to make your text more academic? Do you have problems finding previous research or using it in your text? Do you have writer’s block? Or do you have any other questions about academic writing, reading, or searching for literature? Come to our drop-in workshop and get help from an academic writing expert and a librarian! You can find us in the computer room SOL:B210 on the second floor of the SOL Library, every Thursday 15–16.
Thursdays, starting with 9 January, 15:00–16:00, SOL:B210

Publish your essay in LUP Student Papers (drop-in)
Have you finished your essay and would like to make it openly available for others to read? Do you need help publishing it in LUP Student Papers? Come and ask a librarian during our open LUP Student Paper labs!
Thursday 22 May 2025, 10:00–12:00, Zoom
Tuesday 27 May 2025, 13:00–15:00, Zoom
Zoom link:
Zoom: How to log in
First log in to Zoom (use with your Student Account and then klick on our link. More information about how to use Zoom: