Copying Permissions
All teaching staff at Lund University may copy and share written copyrighted material within the framework of Lund University’s agreement with Bonus Copyright Access.
If you wish to copy and share more than what the agreement allows, permission must be given by the copyright holder(s) of the material, such as the publisher, author, translator or illustrator. The HT-libraries provide assistance in the application process, which means that we can apply for the permission that you need. Please see more information about our routines below. If you wish to apply for a permission yourself, feel free to contact us if you have any questions about the process.
The library offers assistance to teachers who would like to find alternative course material that does not require copying permissions. Teachers who would like assistance with finding potential digital versions, other editions, or alternative course material that does not require copying permissions, are welcome to contact their subject librarian. This is part of the libraries’ ordinary services. We are also happy to answer questions concerning the HEI agreement.
Apply for a copying permission by filling out one of our application forms.
The form must be completed in full, for example, the number of students must be entered. Please observe that you need to receive confirmation that permission has been granted before you can copy the material. Applications for the following term must be sent in by the 10th of June and the 10th of December respectively, which are the same dates that the course literature list must be handed in to the library. Permissions are acquired per term and must (even if the material and the number of copies remain the same) be re-acquired each new term.
When applying for a permission, you can select your preferred method of reproduction, either by analogue or digital means. In such cases where the copyright owner allows digital reproduction, there can be specific demands on how the material may be disseminated. When special terms and conditions apply with regards to a copying permission, we will attach these in the e-mail confirming the permission.
Usually, the request can be sent is email directly to the copyright owner. The copyright owner may be the published/and or the creator of the work (author/translator/illustrator). If the copyright owner is deceased, you may need to seek permission from the copyright owner's heirs. A written confirmation (for example, via email) of the permission is recommended.
Instead of contacting the copyright owner directly, check availability and price of your required permission in Copyright Clearance Center's database. Copyright Clearance Center provide a service for an easy application process for copying permissions. Use only for materials published outside Scandinavia.
Step-by-step guide to check availability and price in Copyright Clearance Center's database (PDF)
As of 2016, the libraries charge a cost price for processing the applications, the application rates are as follows:
- Rate 1 - 100 SEK
Materials where the HT-libraries have previously sought and acquired permission (from autumn 2012 and onwards) alternatively; materials for which permissions can be ordered in Copyright Clearance Center's database (only used for materials published outside Scandinavia). - Rate 2 - 450 SEK
All other materials.
The in-house debiting for the time spent on the work (as specified above), is processed once per term to the cost centre that you enter on the form. Please note that we may not always be successful in acquiring a permission. The cost of the work will be debited according to the above specifications also in those cases where permission is not granted.
It is important to observe that, except for the time spent on the work, which is debited in-house, there may also be costs for the copying permissions involving compensation to the copyright owners. Invoices for the permissions are sent directly to the person that you have stated as your invoice reference. The compensation cost may vary, but many permissions cost 2 SEK/0,25 USD per page per student. If the price exceeds these rates, we will contact you to confirm whether this higher rate is acceptable.